What You Need to Know About House Painting Jobs

Painting job for your property is an important home improvement project that can beautify your home and likewise preserve its integrity. Application of fresh new paint can make the interior and exterior elements of your home look new again.

Your choice of paint color can also create an impact in every room and can set the perfect atmosphere that you want to achieve.

Moreover, it is just as important to take into consideration the type of paint that you’re going to use. Whether you’re planning to execute the project on your own to create minor improvements, or you want a major and full-service painting job that requires the expertise of painters Miami, it is important to choose the right colors and the right type of paint to get the best and most favorable results.

Interior Painting Job

Customized painting for home interior requires careful preparation. A comprehensive and systematic procedure must be set into motion to ensure that the painting job will be executed properly. Ideally, it is important to cover the entire flooring to protect the floor from stains, spillages and paint drips.

All furniture must be removed and covered for protection to expose all areas that need to be repainted. Decorative items should likewise be taken out of the room to prevent accidents and to ensure a suitable working space.

If you have contacted painting contractors, you can request for them to fill in the holes (if there are any) with lightweight spackle to be sanded and then spot primed. Wall cracks and other visible gaps may also be filled with joint compound to conceal them followed by sanding prior to being spot primed.

One of the main advantages of hiring painting contractors to do the job is to make sure that all areas will be covered evenly. For instance, electrical outlet covers and light sconces will be moved out from the surfaces that need to be painted. All furniture will likewise be covered with plastic sheeting.

It is important for the walls to receive light pole sanding prior to painting for even and professional finish. Trim should have light scuff sanding for maximum paint adhesion. Professional painters have the expertise to come up with uniform results.

Finishing touches are applied by hand brushing and rolling to ensure uniformity. Finally, as a rule of thumb; drywall, plaster and newly constructed surfaces should be primed first using an airless sprayer followed by back rolling.

Exterior Painting Job

Preparation is a crucial process for any exterior painting job. In fact, it is just as important as the application process itself. Ideally, it is highly recommended to pressure wash all substrates.

If you asked a painting contractor to have the job estimated prior to implementation, you will be presented with a proposal with this aspect. The purpose is to eliminate discoloration caused by chalking, dirt, tannin bleed and mildew.

Moreover, surfaces that need to be resealed should be thoroughly scraped to remove cracking, blistering and peeling paint. All rough surfaces are sanded to maximize paint adhesion and penetration.

Metal surfaces should be treated with rust-inhibiting primer to prevent staining. In most cases, a shellac-based primer is used in sealing out knots and tannin bleed.

With the passage of time along with the changing weather conditions, expanding and contracting could happen on the surface of the structure. Therefore, it is important to the integrity of the professional coating to fill in and cover up the openings with an element that will move or “breathe” with the structure to ensure effective seal.

Consult your painters about this important element because this process of caulking the gaps and seams is likewise important in preventing moisture damage.


Professional painting job requires quite a lot of effort in covering areas and moving out items to free up the entire work space. The process also involves a meticulous process of evening out the surfaces that need to be painted, sealing the gaps, sanding, treating or priming prior to paint application, and taking into consideration factors such as the weather condition and type of materials among many others.

Given all these elements, contacting a painting contractor is the most convenient option for a full-service painting job to come up with a uniform and professional finish.

Professional painters will likewise ensure that only the most suitable materials which can protect your home’s structural integrity will be used. And this can give you the assurance that your property’s paint will last for a long, long time.

Rob Tayler

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